
franzosische Fahne polnische Fahne spanische Fahne ungarische Fahne tschechische Fahne italienische Fahne purtugiesische Fahne katalanische Fahne russische Fahne japanische Fahne

A data base of the titled nobility in Europe

englische Fahne Reading in English

Notee, that names are not translated! They come in the original language. Biographies are currently in German only.

the concurrency (1)

the concurrency (2)

searching coats of arms (Siebmacher)

If you have problems or hints, please inform: hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

Eine Datenbank des titulierten Adels in Europa

deutsche FahneDeutsch lesen!

Beachte, daß die Namen immer in der Originalsprache sind!

die Konkurrenz (1)

die Konkurrenz (2)

Bei Problemen oder Hinweisen, bitte Meldung an: hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

Une base de données de la noblesse européenne

franzosische FahneLire en francais!

Le concurrentia (1)

Le concurrentia (2)

En cas de problčme ou si vous avez des suggestions, n'hésitez pas ŕ nous adresser un courrier informatique ŕ hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

Baza danych europejskiej arystokracji i rodów panujacych

polnische FahnePo polsku

podobny system (1)

podobny system (2)

Zapytania i uwagi prosze kierowac poczta elektroniczna pod adres: hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

Una base de datos de la nobleza de europa.

spanische FahneEspańol

Un sistema similar (1)

Un sistema similar (2)

Si tiene usted problemas o nos quiere proporcionar información, por favor, póngase contacto con hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

Adatbank a europai nemességr"ol

ungarische Fahnemagyarul

Felhívjuk a figyelmet arra, hogy a nevek mindig az eredeti nyelven vannak, az életrajzok mindig német"ul!

egy hasonló

egy hasonló

Problémák/észrevételek esetén értesítend"o: hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

personalni databanka slechticu v europa

tschechische Fahnecesky

Pozor, jmena osob jsou vzdy v originalni reci!

podobny system

podobny system

Mate-li problemy nebo pripominky, poslete prosim email na: hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

Un data base della nobiltŕ in Europa

italienische FahneLeggi in italiano

Attenzione: i nomi non sono tradotti. Appaiono in lingua originale.

Il concurrento (1)

Il concurrento (2)

In caso di problemi o se avete suggerimenti da fare, non esitate ad inviatre una e-mail a hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

portugiesische Fahne

Uma base de dados de WWW do nobility europeu


Note que os nomes estăo sempre na lingua de origem!

um sistema parecido (1)

um sistema parecido (2)

Em caso de problemas ou necessidade de auxilio, pro favor dirigir-se ŕ: hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

Una base de dades de la noblesa d'Europa

katalanische Fahne

Un sistema similar perň (1)

Un sistema similar perň (2)

Si té cap problema o ens vol enviar informació, si us plau posi's en contacte amb hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

Baza dannych evropejskich dvorjan

russische Fahne
po russkij

$(B$3$3(B $(B$K(B $(B%h%m%C%Q(B $(B$N(B $(B$-$>$/(B $(B$N(B $(B$7$j$g$&(B $(B$,(B $(B$"$j$^$9!#(B

japanische Fahne $(B$K$C$]$s$4(B $(B$G(B

$(B$A$&$&$1$$(B $(B!'(B $(B$J$^$((B $(B$O(B $(B$[$s$d$/(B $(B$5$l$F(B $(B$$$^$;$s!#(B $(B$\$3$/$4(B $(B$G(B $(B$+$$$F(B $(B$"$j$^$9!#(B
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$(B$<$s$V(B $(B$N(B $(B$;$+$$(B $(B$N(B $(B$7$j$g$&(B $(B$b(B $(B$"$j$^$9!#(B

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$(B$b$s$@$$(B $(B$d(B $(B$1$s$5$/(B $(B$,(B $(B$"$l$P(B $(B!"(B $(B$I$&$>$&(B $(B$4$8$f$&(B $(B$K(B $(B$+$$$F(B $(B$/$@$5$$(B $(B!#(B hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de

Other languages

Do you want to have a language specific access into WW-Person?

Please extend WW-Person to the language:

If you would like to support me translating WW-Person into your favourite language, please mail me the appropriate pages!

WW-Person contains now 87000 persons of English nobility (including Irish nobility and Scottish nobility), 20000 persons of Italian nobility, 25000 persons of Spanish nobility, 13000 persons of Russian nobility, 60000 persons of French nobility and over 100000 persons of German nobility (including Austrian nobility and Swiss Nobility). For each person original names, titles, dates and relatives are given. You may follow genealogical lines including males and females. For all information the best sources are used and presented. The system is continuously corrected and updated. There is a CD which offers all services in a more efficient manner. hstoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de