George Granville Leveson -Gower * of Sutherland Elizabeth Sutherland * of Sutherland George Howard * of Carlisle Georgina Dorothy Cavendish Edward Hay Maria Murray
George Granville Leveson-Gower-Sutherland * of Sutherland * of Stafford * Gower and Trentham Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana Howard John Hay-Mackenzie Anne Gibson-Craig
(H=43293 )George Granville William Leveson-Gower-Sutherland * of Sutherland * of Stafford * Gower and Trentham Anne Hay-Mackenzie * of Cromartie
Cromartie 4th Duke, Marquess, Earl Leveson-Gower * of Sutherland * of Stafford * Gower and Trentham*20.7.1851, +27.6.1913

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