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Elizabeth Barbara Warburton-Lytton

* 1773
+ 19.12.1843
Vater: Richard Warburton-Lytton(21010263)
Mutter: Elizabeth Jodrell(21010264)
  1. Ehe/Verbindung : William Earle Bulwer Bulwer(?-n.1756)(21010266)
    1. William Earle Lytton Bulwer (c.1799-21.7.1877)(21010268)
    2. William Henry Lytton Earle Bulwer * Dalling and Bulwer of Dalling (13.2.1801-23.5.1872)(21010269)
    3. Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton * Lytton of Knebworth (25.5.1803-18.1.1873)(21010271)

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