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Patrick Drummond 3rd Lord Drummond

* 1550
+ fr.1602
Vater: David Drummond * Drummond(19001872)
Mutter: Lilian Carlisle(19004105)
  1. Ehe/Verbindung : Elizabeth Lindsay(?-?.5.1585)(19005261)
    1. James Drummond * of Perth (c.1580-18.12.1611)(19001874)oo
    2. John Drummond * of Perth (c.1584-11.6.1662)(19001875)oo
    3. Katherine Drummond ([1550,?.5.1585]-?)(19004488)oo
    4. Lilias Drummond (?-8.5.1601)(19004490)oo
    5. Jean Drummond ([1550,?.5.1585]-?)(19004492)oo
    6. Elizabeth Drummond ([1550,?.5.1585]-?)(19004494)oo
    7. Anne Drummond ([1550,?.5.1585]-?)(19004496)oo
  2. Ehe/Verbindung (1588): Agnes Drummond(?-1589)[19004476]

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