v|o|<|>|4|8|no|miss|Quellen|Verwandte|url|Bemerkungen|Mitt. an Stoyan|Mitt. an Mitbenutzer|Suche
Frederick George North 8th Earl of Guilford
* 19.11.1876
+ 9.11.1949
Vater: Dudley Francis North * of Guilford(8001519)
Mutter: Georgiana Chetwynd(8001520)
- Ehe/Verbindung :
Mary Violet Pawson(?-8.12.1947)[8001522]
- Francis George North * North (15.6.1902-25.8.1940)(8001523)oo

- John Montagu William North (28.2.1905-1987)(8004096)oo

- Charles Evelyn North (18.3.1918-?)(8004114)oo

- Cynthia Mary Noel North (25.12.1908-25.8.1940)(8004119)oo

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