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George Guy Greville 4th Earl of Warwick a. Brooke of Warwick Castle

* 28.3.1818
+ 2.12.1893
Vater: Henry Richard Greville * of Warwick a. Brooke of Warwick Castle(8001800)
Mutter: Sarah Elizabeth of Mexborough(8001801)
  1. Ehe/Verbindung : Anne Wemyss-Charteris-Douglas(29.7.1829-16.8.1903)(8001801)
    1. Francis Richard Charles Guy Greville * of Warwick a. Brooke of Warwick Castle (9.2.1853-15.1.1924)(8001805)
    2. Alwyn Henry Fulke Greville (9.2.1854-11.4.1929)(8007119)
    3. Louis George Greville (1.1.1856-6.3.1941)(8007125)
    4. Sidnev Robert Greville (16.11.1866-12.6.1927)(8007128)
    5. Eva Sarah Louisa Greville (?-12.7.1940)(8007129)

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